This November cannot pass
without the obligatory reflection on things for which we are thankful. And this year, among other things, like the Twilight saga and toilet paper, we are thankful for waffles.
A preface to the waffle
discussion: RI Friends and Co. There was a large influx of “younger” couples
that moved to Rhode Island this summer, all within a few months apart: Hawkers,
Taylors, Nickim Edwards, Corcorans, Jesse/moi.
Anyway, RI Friends and Co.
invented a new holiday: Oplatka dát, which is my Czech translation for "Wafflegiving." It takes place sometime in
November before Thanksgiving. It's kind of a rip off of National Waffle Day,
which honors 8/24/1968, the date of the first U.S. waffle iron patent.
Wafflegiving also commemorates the waffle’s illustrious history (take a deep
breath and read really fast): waffles were first dreamed up in ancient Greece
as obelios (flat cakes heated between
two metal plates and cooked over the fire) OR in China where flour/eggs/milk
were substituted for soy beans/rice/cottage cheese (allow me to say, “gross!”),
THEN evolved into delicacies during the Middle Ages when waffle irons were
carved with coats of arms/religious emblems, AFTER WHICH they migrated with the
Pilgrims to Holland and later to America in 1620, WHEREUPON Thomas Jefferson
instituted waffle parties in the White House with a waffle iron he brought back
from France sometime in the 1800s, BUT it wasn’t until the 1964 World’s Fair
that Belgian waffles (with yeast and egg whites) came to town, AND not until
1972 that those mass-produced cardboard patties riddled with Tartrazine (a.k.a.
yellow no. 5) became famous from Kellogg’s coining of the phrase “Leggo My
Wafflegiving also celebrates
other random ideas, including these: the word “waffle” comes from the Celtic
“Wiff tille,” which may be translated as, “Alas! The mountain goat has my
sandwich!” AND the fact/myth that part of L. Ron Hubbard’s theories of
Scientology initially posited that mankind emerged when “a giant space waffle
passed by the earth and sprinkled the ground with life-spores, from which human
being sprang up."
Our first Wafflegiving was
pretty casual: white chocolate waffles and vanilla-cinnamon waffles topped with
apples, strawberries, bananas, whipped cream, homemade coconut syrup, and chocolate
and caramel sauce and served with chicken-apple sausage and Galvanina Blood Orange
We are already gearing up
for next year. By November 2012, chef Adam will have discovered how to make
waffles out of gold leafed chocolate and then we’ll all be done for.
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This is the only picture we took at Wafflegiving. Jak thought my lap was comfy. See this for more details about this picture. |