Friday, August 17, 2012

7 years in heaven is better than 6 years in heaven

Seven years ago when we were skinnier and had more hair and Jesse looked like he had just graduated from high school and I kind of just graduated from high school, we got married.

August 17, 2005, Salt Lake City

I used to think that was the best day of my life, but I don't remember much about that day, except that by some twisted turn of events, we were the last to leave our reception, instead of the first, and that there were generic Oreo cookies stuck to our windshield and the words "Multiply & Replenish!" streaked across the windows. 

Today was the best day. We woke up in Montreal, ran 8 miles, ate stale Poptarts, walked all over the city and watched an intrepid Asian tourist feed a squirrel out of his hand. Today was the best day because I've never loved my family more for making me the one Jesse wanted. And I've never loved Jesse's family more for making him mine.   

August 17, 2012, Montreal


Fife Family said...

I've been thinking about you guys. I meant to tell you earlier- Happy Anniversary! Glad you are enjoying your week!

Jesse Rich said...

I hope someone gets the round-about reference in the title. Think New Zealand accent, and "business time."

Jesse Rich said...

It's been a great anniversary, and a great trip as well. Thanks!

Katie said...

What a sweet post! Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Anniversary! Crazy how fast time flies. We sure miss you guys. Wish we could come have some yummy dinner and a good round of Bohnanza!

Julie and Adam said...

Tender! Happy Anniversary!

Barbara Rich said...

We're sure glad you two found each other!